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Student Dashboard
When a student logs in, they are directed to their Student Dashboard. Students can return to their dashboard at any time by clicking the 2nd link on the MY LEARNING MENU on the right of the screen.
Courses – The dashboard will show the 1st three courses in which the student is enrolled, with a button below to view their additional courses. Notice the red Progress Bar on the Course tiles below. Business for Women and Business Services are 100% completed while Case Management 2 has only completed a few lessons.
Certificates – The dashboard also shows links to the student’s 1st three awarded certificates, again with a button below to view more. Yes, a student can view and print their certificate(s) at any time!
Courses are listed alphabetically while awarded certificates are listed in date order with the most recent awarded listed first.
There are some useful inks included on the dashboard. In addition to links to view all courses and certificates awarded, a student can view My Grades and Edit Account. Under Edit Account, the student can update their name so it will display the way they prefer on their certificates. For example, Kathy may want her certificates to read as Katherine.