180Course FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions and helpful tips to help you navigate through your courses.


Site Navigation


FAQ:  I don’t have (or I forgot) my password.  What do I do?

Answer:  Click Reset Password, enter your email address and we will email you a link to reset it.


FAQ:  I was enrolled in a course but didn’t get my Welcome Email.

Answer:  That’s okay – it was sent to show you how to reset your password and to logon to your course.  Click Reset Password, enter your email address and we will email you a link to reset it.  Once you reset your password, you will use your email address and your new password to logon to your course at the Student Dashboard.


You can also look in your clutter, junk and spam folder.   If you do not see the Welcome email there, ask your local IT team to allow all emails from info@workforce180.com, workforce180 or WordPress not to be quarantined by your firewall and allow them to be processed as regular email.


FAQ:  Where do I find my course?

Answer:  Look to the right at the My Learning Menu.  Click on Student Dashboard or My Courses — your course will be listed there.


FAQ:  Do I have to view my course on my computer at work?

Answer:  You can view your course on ANY computer, tablet or smartphone!


FAQ:  How do I update my profile information?

Answer:  Go to your Student Dashboard and click on Edit Account.  There you can update your email address, name, street address, phone number and even change your password.  (You do need to be logged in.)




    As you complete each lesson listed below, you will notice the grey checkmark next to the lesson title will turn red and the lesson title will be struck through to indicate that lesson is complete.


  • Course Syllabus