Business for Women

Business for Women Certification

This is a sample Video lesson.  The lesson includes additional resources including links to podcasts and articles to augment the student’s knowledge of the topic presented during the lesson.


The Business Imperative

Debra Giordano, Instructor

It makes sense for businesses to maximize the potential of every worker!  Being treated equitably is good for business and companies that are more diverse, outperform their competition.  We must command change while recognizing our unique value and be authentic to who we are.

A personal or business imperative is the undertaking of a major change or setting a goal.  It is necessary for your success, our success, and the success of our business!


17:13 minutes


Resources and Links

Workforce in Action – WorkforcePods

Female Presidents | List of Current Women Who Are Heads of State (

List of elected and appointed female heads of state and government – Wikipedia


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